Becoming Rooted in a Time of Social Distancing

America is weathering a frightening epidemic, and I don’t mean COVID-19. The symptoms are social isolation, depression, loneliness, and vitriolic political partisanship. The disease? Rootlessness.

Recent and rapid advances in technology have created a much more mobile world. Travel has never been easier. It’s common to switch jobs and even states every few years. Some may view this nomadic existence as alluring and adventurous. Many also find it lonely. Constantly being on the go makes it hard to put down roots in any one place. At least we can stay connected through social media, right? Well, social media is sly. It tricks us into thinking we’re more connected, all the while disconnecting us from the real relationships that give life meaning.

So we’re rootless and suffering for it. But what if this pandemic — and I do mean COVID-19 — presents the opportunity to root ourselves once more?

‘Warriors on the Frontline:’ How Life Choices in Joplin, Mo. is Serving Amid Pandemic

Scary, Scary Ordinary